
Woke up to go to Ikea…again. The drawers we didn’t get yesterday were supposed to be in stock today. We went in through the checkout area and were able to secure 2 units of the drawers (Oppland, if that means anything). Wooohoo.

Brought them back, M arrived and we left for D and D’s. D was not happy when we got there. She was expecting us earlier, she said, near tears.

Tried making it up to her (and i think we succeeded). Took her to Gurudwara and to visit a friend, and to light a phooljadis. Picked up D from work and brought him home also. Then went to V’s for an hour, which had the usual suspects in attendance.

Left at 7:30 as M needed to view apartments. We went shopping again, and assembled a kitchen island cart we got yesterday. Kitchen looks complete(r). Need to just buy a place after this.